@article{santa ana_santa ana_2022, title={REVERSE LOGISTICS AND PRODUCTION RECYCLING PROCESSES}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.7046475}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Due to increasingly strict environmental legislation, the manufacturer's responsibility for products is expanding. This work reuses products and materials that had their production cycle ended, making the process inverse to that of traditional logistics, which is based on the flow from the origin of the product to its point of consumption. The general objective is to Aggregate the waste, in order to do a job of reusing this waste and in a manner, but it specifies understanding the concept of environmental, social and economic sustainability, understanding the configuration of the plastic materials production chain and its production performance. The same is justified by the growing importance of the complexity of production systems - caused by globalization and the Third Industrial Revolution. Thus, the relevance of this project in carrying out improvement studies through production processes on the ideal conditions for the decomposition of waste is justified, where it seeks a great interest in "Reverse Logistics". The methodology follows the line of bibliographical research and scientific and environmental solutions. The application of scientific knowledge in the characterization of a real problem, as well as the development of notes capable of contributing to its equation and through bibliographical research. therefore, it is concluded that reverse logistics is an indispensable tool in the search for competitive advantage and operational control of companies, in addition to meeting legal requirements and sustainable development.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Santa Ana, Marcio de Freitas and Santa Ana, Roseli da Conceição Silva de Freitas}, year={2022}, month={Sep} }