Role of Women in Panchayati Raj System: Experience and Prospects
Dr Sheeba Menon
<strong>Abstract </strong> Panchayati Raj is considered for good governance. The 73rd constitutional amendment was made with a view for better governance and to provide political space to Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe and women. But the effective presence of women in the Panchayat was negligible, whereas they are even not respected. The suggestions given by elected women in Panchayats are not considered and are pressurized by their husbands against taking decisions. The participation of women elected in Panchayats should be encouraged and the lacuna can be bridged by regular training. Women in India are primarily considered as a biological body limited to sexuality, marriage, reproduction and domestic duties. In the history as well as socially, women are considered subordinate to men. In politics also, women have to remain dependent on father, brother, son or husband. Moreover, illiteracy among women, lacking of quality leadership and forced purdah system are the main drawbacks of role of women in Panchayati Raj. Also women lack self-esteem, skill, confidence and social presence and that effects work in Panchayats. There are few examples of women in Panchayats who are really doing great work and are respected for their work. Overall representation of women and their role in politics at state and national level is minimal. <strong>Keywords</strong> <em>– Panchayat, Skill, Women</em>
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