Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Portal Vein Thrombosis release_2qbdaqkyhjfsxj23qfglpiyifq

by Jun-young Seo, Se Hwa Kim, Yang Jae Yoo, Ah Young Lee, Sang Jong Park

Published in Korean Journal of Medicine by Korean Association of Internal Medicine.

2023   Volume 98, p162-172


In recent years, the incidence of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in patients with cirrhosis has increased; the thrombosis ranges from asymptomatic partial to complete occlusion. Treatment is difficult. Anticoagulation therapy may be the optimal first-line treatment for patients with acute PVT who lack variceal bleeding or mesenteric ischemia. Minimally invasive treatment options include mechanical thrombectomy, chemical thrombolysis, and stent placement. However, the effectiveness and timing of anticoagulation and interventional therapies remain unclear.
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Date   2023-08-01
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