@article{gilman_kostakos_cortés_mehmood_riekki_byrne_valta_tekes_dewitte_kuczerawy_et al._2018, title={D3.3 - Final version of the data collection, management & protection framework integrated within CUTLER architecture}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.3385975}, abstractNote={This report elaborates further on the output of D3.2 and integrates solutions developed so far into the actual cloud infrastructure of CUTLER platform. Namely, it: i) provides an update on the data sources used for the pilots; moreover an assessment of the legal requirements of these data sources is conducted ; ii) discusses further data pre-processing and privacy issues; iii) informs on porting the Hadoop crawlers to the cloud infrastructure of CUTLER platform; iv) provides detailed information about new crawlers; as well as v) discusses challenges and future work.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Gilman, Ekaterina and Kostakos, Panos and Cortés, Marta and Mehmood, Hassan and Riekki, Jukka and Byrne, Andrew and Valta, Katerina and Tekes, Stavros and Dewitte, Pierre and Kuczerawy, Aleksandra and et al.}, year={2018}, month={Apr} }