Vascular anatomy of strictured small bowel release_2cgp3677mff2jm6cisrriwbqu4

by Magnus Jayaraj Mansard, Upender Rao, R Pradeep, Anuradha Sekaran, G V Rao, D N Reddy

Published in Tropical gastrology .

Volume 32, Issue 2, p103-6


To investigate the role of ischemia in the pathogenesis of small bowel strictures. Vascular anatomy of 39 small bowel strictures was studied using modified Spalteholtz method. Ten normal small bowel segments were studied as controls. 71.8% of small bowel strictures showed block in the mesenteric vessels (p=0.008). Subset analysis of tuberculous strictures showed block in the mesenteric vessels in 70.8% of strictures (p=0.0098). Ischemia plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of small bowel strictures. Mesenteric vasculopathy has a significant association with tuberculous strictures of the intestine.
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