Physiotherapeutic Approaches to Treat Anal Incontinence in Women after Obstetric Trauma release_2cfmvxvk5bd67owbwipr5x6v6m

by Mayanna Freitas, Lara Elma Franco Moura, Denise Saquetto, Iane Castro Rodrigues, Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho, SILVANA UCHOA

Published in Journal of Coloproctology by Georg Thieme Verlag KG.



<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> Introduction Anal incontinence is defined as the loss of voluntary control of fecal matter or gases with a recurrence period longer than 3 months in individuals aged ≥ 4 years; it has a female predominance. Among the treatment modalities is pelvic physiotherapy, the second line of treatment, which promotes the reeducation, coordination, and strengthening of the muscles of the pelvic floor to enable patients to return to their regular activities of daily living. Objective To perform a systematic review on the physiotherapeutic treatments used in women between the ages of 18 and 65 years with a diagnosis of anal incontinence. Material and methods Clinical studies written in Portuguese, Spanish and English were searched on the the following databases: Science Direct, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) via PubMed, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and Scopus. Results Of the 998 articles found, only 4 studies met the inclusion criteria of the present systematic review. The physiotherapeutic approaches to treat women with anal incontinence are biofeedback, Kegel exercises, electrostimulation, and training of the pelvic floor muscles. The average score on the PEDro scale was of 6.25, which indicates that the methodological quality was good. Conclusion Although pelvic physiotherapy is effective to treat anal incontinence, it must be promoted through the performance of evidence-based scientific research.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-02-14
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ISSN-L:  2237-9363
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