@misc{bigenwald_chambon_2018, title={Criminal Responsibility and Neuroscience: No Revolution Yet}, DOI={10.31234/osf.io/rxwn4}, abstractNote={

Since the 90's, neurolaw is on the rise. At the heart of heated debates lies the recurrent theme of a neuro-revolution of criminal responsibility. However, caution should be observed: the alleged foundations of criminal responsibility (amongst which free will) are often inaccurate and the relative imperviousness of its real foundations to scientific facts often underestimated. Neuroscientific findings may impact on social institutions, but only insofar as they also engage in a political justification of the changes being called for, convince populations, and take into consideration the ensuing consequences. Moreover, the many limits of neuroscientific tools call for increased vigilance when, if ever, using neuroscientific evidence in a courtroom.

}, publisher={Center for Open Science}, author={Bigenwald, Ariane and Chambon, Valerian}, year={2018}, month={Nov} }