Suppression of Maternal Responsiveness to Paternal Antigens by Maternal Plasma release_27hkytmxl5d3xfks6lekav5uca

by Hobart Pence, William M. Petty, Ross E. Rocklin

Published in Journal of Immunology by The American Association of Immunologists.

1975   Volume 114, Issue 1_Part_2, p525-528


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title> The effect of plasma from multigravida women on the expression of cellular hypersensitivity to paternal antigens was investigated. It was found that autologous, but not homologous, maternal plasma specifically blocked MIF production by maternal lymphocytes using their husbands' cells as an antigenic stimulus. The blocking activity could be absorbed out by repeated incubation with paternal cells. Sephadex G-200 fractionation of maternal plasma showed the blocking activity to be in the IgG fraction. The presence of specific blocking factor(s) in maternal plasma which prevent reactivity to paternal antigens may explain in part the success of the fetus as an allograft.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   1975-01-01
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  0022-1767
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