Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
Showing first 25 out of 73 results
Prevention and Control of Disease [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221201 jstor:3221201
The Evolution of Sex in Plants [review-book]
1915 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221612 jstor:3221612
A Paraffin Ribbon Carrier [review-book]
Robert Theodore Hance
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3220923 jstor:3220923
Grasshoppers [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3220929 jstor:3220929
Genetics and Eugenics [review-book]
1917 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221505 jstor:3221505
Section Cutting in Gelatin by Freezing [review-book]
V. A. Latham
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3221087 jstor:3221087
The Fundus Oculi of Birds [review-book]
1917 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221706 jstor:3221706
A Convenient Apparatus for Laboratory Photography [review-book]
F. D. Heald
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3220998 jstor:3220998
Forced Movements, Tropisms, and Animal Conduct [review-book]
1919 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221851 jstor:3221851
Parasitology; Laboratory Guide [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221200 jstor:3221200
The Germ-Cell Cycle in Animals [review-book]
1914 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221725 jstor:3221725
A Short History of Science [review-book]
1918 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221456 jstor:3221456
Vertebrate Embryology [review-book]
1915 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221947 jstor:3221947
Mistletoe of the Incense Cedar [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221083 jstor:3221083
Problems of Fertilization [review-book]
1919 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221556 jstor:3221556
To Kill Mosquitoes or Other Insects [review-book]
V. A. Latham
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3221085 jstor:3221085
To Keep Slides at Constant Temperature [review-book]
V. A. Latham
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3221086 jstor:3221086
A Parasite of the Chinch Bug [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3220928 jstor:3220928
Senescence and Rejuvenescence [review-book]
1916 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221576 jstor:3221576
An Introduction to Neurology [review-book]
1917 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3222042 jstor:3222042
Biology of May-Flies [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3220926 jstor:3220926
Beginners Guide to the Microscope [review-book]
1913 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221388 jstor:3221388
The Microscope [review-book]
1917 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3221519 jstor:3221519
Freshwater Hydroids [review-book]
Edward Potts
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
doi:10.2307/3221078 jstor:3221078
The Microscopy of Vegetable Foods [review-book]
1907 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Societydoi:10.2307/3220897 jstor:3220897
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