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44. 非天然型ジャスモン酸はシロイヌナズナの根を左に屈曲させる活性を持つ(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第49回大会)
44. Left-handed root skewing activity of (+)-jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana

Takeshi Suzuki, Yasuhiro Ishimaru, Christian Meesters, Erich Kombrink, Takumi Chinen, Takeo Usui, Minoru Ueda
2014 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

78. イネのジテルペン型フィトアレキシン生合成を制御する新規遺伝子の同定(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第46回大会)
78. Identification of a new gene involved in the regulation of biosynthesis of diterpenoid phytoalexins in rice

Atsunori Tanaka, Hitoshi Nakagawa, Kazunori Okada, Satoru Maeda, Takashi Kamakura, Hisakazu Yamane, Masaki Mori
2011 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

44 アラビドプシル矮性突然変異体det2におけるブラシノステロイド生合成変異部位の特定
44 Clarification of blocking site of brassinosteroid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis dwarf mutant det2

Takahiro Noguchi, Shozo Fujioka, Suguru Takatsuto, Shigeo Yoshida, Akira Sakurai, Jianming Li, Joanne Chory
1997 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

26. 5-アミノレブリン酸(ALA)の成長促進作用に及ぼすFeとMg施用量の影響(口頭発表)
26. Effect of Fe and Mg on the action of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in radish growth

Shigeyuki Funada, Keitaro Watanabe, Toru Tanaka, Tohru Tanaka, Yasutomo Takeuchi
2007 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

54. ドクダミが生産する新規ストリゴラクトンの構造解析(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第47回大会)
54. Structural elucidation of novel strigolactone produced by dokudami

Takaya Kisugi, Xiaonan Xie, Hyun Il Kim, Kaori Yoneyama, Aika Sado, Kohki Akiyama, Hideo Hayashi, Kenichi Uchida, Takao Yokota, Takahito Nomura, Koichi Yoneyama
2012 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

23. エチレン様活性化合物の生理活性と作用機構の解析(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第46回大会)
23. Characterization of novel chemical with ethylene mimic activity

Nobutaka Kitahata, Hiroki Hayase, Melanie M. A. Bisson, Hiroko Shimizu-Yumoto, Takeshi Nakano, Masayoshi Nakayama, Gerog Groth, Tadao Asami
2011 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

94. イネにおける2 種の ent -コパリル2 リン酸合成酵素遺伝子
94. Two ent -copalyl diphosphate synthase genes in rice

Chizu Sugawara, Masami Usui, Hirokazu Takahashi, Mikio Nakazono, Kazunori Okada, Masaharu Kuroda, Atsushi Hanada, Shinjirou Yamaguchi, Hisakazu Yamane, Wataru Mitsuhashi, Tomonobu Toyomasu
2012 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

8. ABP1選択的アゴニストの合成と生物活性(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第49回大会)
8. Design and biological activity of auxin binding protein 1-specific agonist

Ken-ichiro Hayashi, Stefan Kepinski, Catherine Perrot-Rechenmann, Hiroshi Nozaki, Hiroyasu Motose, Takashi Ishida, Shinishiro Sawa
2014 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

37. 球根植物におけるガム物質の形成制御およびその化学組成 : ヒアシンス(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)を中心として(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第48回大会)
37. Hormonal regulation of gummosis in hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) bulbs : Focus on chemical composition of gums

Kensuke Miyamoto, Anna Jarecka Boncela, Marian Saniewski, Junichi Ueda
2013 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

20. シトクロムP450 酵素CYP90A1 はブラシノステロイドC-3 位酸化酵素である(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第47回大会)
20. CYP90A1, a brassinosteroid biosynthetic cytochrome P450 of Arabidopsis, catalyzes C-3 oxidation

Toshiyuki Ohnishi, Blanka Godza, Bunta Watanabe, Shozo Fujioka, Lidia Hategan, Kiyomi Shibata, Takao Yokota, Miklos Szekeres, Masaharu Mizutani
2012 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

47 ペブチド性植物細胞増殖因子PSKの植物個体における機能解析
Functional analysis of PSK, a peptidyl plant growth factor, in Arabidopsis plant

2001 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

3 キュウリ胚軸におけるジベレリン応答性遺伝子の検索
3 Molecular cloning of genes responsive to gibberellin in cucumber hypocotyls

Makiko Chono, Toshiya Oka, Yoshihito Suzuki, Isomaro Yamaguchi
1999 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

56 アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性にあげる花粉因子の受容機構
Reception system of the pollen factor in self-incompatibility of Brassica

Seiji Takayama, Hiroko Shimosato, Hiroshi Shiba, Fang-Sik Che, Masao Watanabe, Megumi Iwano, Akira Isogai
2001 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

89 . イネにおけるJAZ タンパク質を介したジャスモン酸シグナル経路(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第47回大会)
89. Jasmonate signaling pathway through JASMONATE-ZIM DOMAIN (JAZ) protein in rice

Ei-ichi Murakami, Shuhei Shima, Michiko Yasuda, Taka-aki Tomizawa, Hideo Nakashita
2012 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

83. Preparation of knockdown plants for diterpenoid phytoalexin biosynthetic genes in rice

Masami Usui, Yuko Hirose, Masaharu Kuroda, Kazuko Otomo, Hisakazu Yamane, Wataru Mitsuhashi, Tomonobu Toyomasu
2009 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

71 エンバクにおけるアントラニル酸生合成のエリシターによる誘導
71 Induction of anthranilate biosynthesis by an elicitor in oat leaves

Tetsuya Matukawa, Atushi Ishihara, Hajime Iwamura
1999 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

37. 受容体BRI1のエンドサイトーシスにおける7回膜貫通タンパク質BIL4の制御機構の解析(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第49回大会)
37. Brassinosteroid signaling mutant bil4

Ayumi Yamagami, Chieko Saito, Miki Nakazawa, Minami Matsui, Masaaki Sakuta, Akihiko Nakano, Hiroyuki Osada, Tadao Asami, Takeshi Nakano
2014 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract

89. Mode of action and cell response of jasmonate glucosides

Yoko Nakamura, Shin Hamamoto, Sho Inomata, Axel Mithofer, Wilhelm Boland, Nobuyuki Uozumi, Minoru Ueda
2009 | The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract
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