International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
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Example Publications
What we learn when designing with marginalised children
Seray Ibrahim, Emeline Brulé, Laura Benton, Anthony Hornof, Erin Beneteau, Oussama Metatla, Nikoleta Yiannoutsou, Katta Spiel
International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
doi:10.1145/3397617.3398067 dblp:conf/acmidc/IbrahimBBHBMYS20
Towards automatic drawing animation using physics-based evolution
Lasse Lingens, Robert W. Sumner, Stéphane Magnenat
International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
doi:10.1145/3397617.3397842 dblp:conf/acmidc/LingensSM20
Planning the world's most inclusive PD project
Aurora Constantin, Jessica Korte, Cara Wilson, Cristina Adriana Alexandru, Judith Good, Gavin Sim, Janet Read, Jerry Alan Fails, Eva Eriksson
International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
doi:10.1145/3397617.3398066 dblp:conf/acmidc/ConstantinKWAGS20
Emergent, situated and prospective ethics for child-computer interaction research
Alissa N. Antle, Christopher Frauenberger, Monica Landoni, Jerry Alan Fails, Marina Jirotka, Helena Webb, Nalin Tutiyaphuengprasert
International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
doi:10.1145/3397617.3398058 dblp:conf/acmidc/AntleFLFJWT20
Teen evaluations of a game targeting school refusal
Marikken Høiseth, Sindre Holme, Sondre Ek, Charlotte Tendenes Gabrielsen, Ole Andreas Alsos
International Conference on Interaction Design and Children
doi:10.1145/3397617.3397835 dblp:conf/acmidc/HoisethHEGA20