Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
Showing first 25 out of 2,907 results
Distributed context-aware visualization
Harald Sanftmann, Nazario Cipriani, Daniel Weiskopf
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2011.5766878 dblp:conf/percom/SanftmannCW11
Session mobility for collaborative pervasive apps using XMPP
Istven Koren, Daniel Schuster, Thomas Springer
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2013.6529476 dblp:conf/percom/KorenSS13
A Risk-aware Trust Based Secure Resource Discovery (RTSRD) Model for Pervasive Computing
Sheikh I. Ahamed, Moushumi Sharmin, Shameem Ahmed
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2008.113 dblp:conf/percom/AhamedSA08
Multimodal Co-Presence Detection with Varying Spatio-Temporal Granularity
Michael Haus, Aaron Yi Ding, Jorg Ott
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomworkshops48775.2020.9156105 dblp:conf/percom/HausDO20
Keynote: From labs to cities: Mapping the social impact of ubiquitous technologies
Vassilis Kostakos
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2012.6197641 dblp:conf/percom/Kostakos12
One-thumb Text Acquisition on Force-assisted Miniature Interfaces for Mobile Headsets
Lik-Hang LEE, Yiming ZHU, Yui-Pan YAU, Tristan BRAUD, Xiang SU, Pan Hui
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom45495.2020.9127378 dblp:conf/percom/LeeZYBSH20
Protocols for efficient inference communication
Carl Andersen, Prithwish Basu, Basak Guler, Aylin Yener, Ebrahim Molavianjazi
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2015.7133993 dblp:conf/percom/AndersenBGYM15
Keynote 2: Pervasive communication and interaction to make the built environment better and more sustainable
David Culler
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2013.6526715 dblp:conf/percom/Culler13
Multi-level Hashing for Peer-to-Peer System in Wireless Ad Hoc Environment
Dewan Tanvir Ahmed, Shervin Shirmohammadi
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2007.82 dblp:conf/percom/AhmedS07
Social sensors and pervasive services: Approaches and perspectives
Alberto Rosi, Marco Mamei, Franco Zambonelli, Simon Dobson, Graeme Stevenson, Juan Ye
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2011.5766946 dblp:conf/percom/RosiMZDSY11
Localizing jammers in wireless networks
Hongbo Liu, Wenyuan X, Yingying Chen, Zhenhua Liu
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2009.4912878 dblp:conf/percom/LiuXCL09
SLearn: Shared learning human activity labels across multiple datasets
Juan Ye
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2018.8444594 dblp:conf/percom/Ye18
A tool suite to prototype pervasive computing applications
Damien Cassou, Julien Bruneau, Charles Consel
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2010.5470550 dblp:conf/percom/CassouBC10
PWN 2006 Workshop Organization
2006 | Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communicationsdoi:10.1109/percomw.2006.144 dblp:conf/percom/X06r
Macro Programming through Bayesian Networks: Distributed Inference and Anomaly Detection
Marco Mamei, Radhika Nagpal
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2007.19 dblp:conf/percom/MameiN07
An integrated system for secure code distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks
Nicola Bui, Osman Ugus, Moreno Dissegna, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2010.5470503 dblp:conf/percom/BuiUDRZ10
A Wall-Sized Focus Plus Context Display
Sebastian Boring, Otmar Hilliges, Andreas Butz
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2007.5 dblp:conf/percom/BoringHB07
Friend in the Middle (FiM): Tackling de-anonymization in social networks
Filipe Beato, Mauro Conti, Bart Preneel
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2013.6529495 dblp:conf/percom/BeatoCP13
A PUF sensor: Securing physical measurements
Hua Ma, Yansong Gao, Omid Kavehei, Damith C. Ranasinghe
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2017.7917639 dblp:conf/percom/MaGKR17
The case for smartwatch-based diet monitoring
Sougata Sen, Vigneshwaran Subbaraju, Archan Misra, Rajesh Krishna Balan, Youngki Lee
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2015.7134103 dblp:conf/percom/SenSMBL15
Fast dynamic execution offloading for efficient mobile cloud computing
Seungjun Yang, Yongin Kwon, Yeongpil Cho, Hayoon Yi, Donghyun Kwon, Jonghee Youn, Yunheung Paek
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2013.6526710 dblp:conf/percom/YangKCYKYP13
Emotion Recognition Based Preference Modelling in Argumentative Dialogue Systems
Niklas Rach, Klaus Weber, Annalena Aicher, Florian Lingenfelser, Elisabeth Andre, Wolfgang Minker
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2019.8730650 dblp:conf/percom/RachWALAM19
Using prediction to conserve energy in recognition on mobile devices
Dawud Gordon, Stephan Sigg, Yong Ding, Michael Beigl
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2011.5766907 dblp:conf/percom/GordonSDB11
BATMAN store-and-forward: The best of the two worlds
Laurent Delosieres, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percomw.2012.6197608 dblp:conf/percom/DelosieresN12
A dynamic platform for runtime adaptation
Hubert Pham, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Umar Saif, Chris Stawarz, Chris Terman, Steve Ward
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
doi:10.1109/percom.2009.4912746 dblp:conf/percom/PhamPSSTW09
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