The Cambro-Briton
Showing first 14 out of 14 results
Review: The Gododin and the Odes of the Months [review-book]
1820 | The Cambro-Britonjstor:30068966
Coll Gwynfa: Or Paradise Lost [review-book]
1819 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30068903 jstor:30068903
Letters on the Scenery of Wales, including a Series of Subjects for the Pencil, with their Stations, determined on a general principle: and Instructions to Pedestrian Tourists [review-book]
1821 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069054 jstor:30069054
Coll Gwynfa: or Paradise Lost [review-book]
1819 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30068318 jstor:30068318
Horæ Britannicæ; Or, Studies in Ancient Burtish History [review-book]
1820 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069017 jstor:30069017
Traethawd ar Gadwedigaeth yr Iaith Gymraeg [review-book]
1822 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069314 jstor:30069314
The History of the Gwedir Family [review-book]
The Cambro-Briton
doi:10.2307/30070074 jstor:30070074
Horæ Britannicæ; Or Studies in Ancient British History [review-book]
1821 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069038 jstor:30069038
Cywydd Y Diluw, yn Dair Rhan [review-book]
1821 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069167 jstor:30069167
HorÆ BritannicÆ; Or, Studies in Ancient British History (Concluded) [review-book]
1821 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30069140 jstor:30069140
Hu Gadarn Cywydd o III. Caniad [review-book]
1822 | The Cambro-Britondoi:10.2307/30023342 jstor:30023342
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