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Microbes and Environments
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology
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Example Publications
Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass with Cattle Rumen Fluid for Methane Production: Fate of Added Rumen Microbes and Indigenous Microbes of Methane Seed Sludge
Yasunori Baba, Yu Matsuki, Shuhei Takizawa, Yoshihisa Suyama, Chika Tada, Yasuhiro Fukuda, Masanori Saito, Yutaka Nakai
Microbes and Environments
doi:10.1264/jsme2.me19113 pmcid:PMC6934390
<i>Campylobacter</i> in an Urban Estuary: Public Health Insights from Occurrence, HeLa Cytotoxicity, and Caco-2 Attachment Cum Invasion
Mahbubul H. Siddiqee, Rebekah Henry, Rhys A. Coleman, Ana Deletic, David T. McCarthy
Microbes and Environments
doi:10.1264/jsme2.me19088 pmcid:PMC6934393
Vertical Distribution and Diversity of Phototrophic Bacteria within a Hot Spring Microbial Mat (Nakabusa Hot Springs, Japan)
Joval N. Martinez, Arisa Nishihara, Mads Lichtenberg, Erik Trampe, Shigeru Kawai, Marcus Tank, Michael Kühl, Satoshi Hanada, Vera Thiel
Microbes and Environments
doi:10.1264/jsme2.me19047 pmcid:PMC6934398
Genetic and Biochemical Diversity for <i>N</i>-acylhomoserine Lactone Biosynthesis in the Plant Pathogen <i>Pectobacterium carotovorum</i> subsp. <i>carotovorum</i>
Tomohiro Morohoshi, Yuto Ogasawara, Xiaonan Xie, Hiroshi Hamamoto, Nobutaka Someya
Microbes and Environments
doi:10.1264/jsme2.me19105 pmcid:PMC6934387
Distribution of SNSs in Mimivirus Genomes and the Classification of Mimiviruses Isolated from Japan
Motohiro Akashi, Masaharu Takemura
Microbes and Environments
doi:10.1264/jsme2.me19077 pmcid:PMC6934397