Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation container_q3otx6m62rcjnnn7jsxcaufgue

The Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation

Example Publications

The Rater Characteristics and Raters Bias in Korean Language Teacher's Persuasive Writing Assessment
논설문 평가에 나타난 국어교사의 평가 특성 및 편향 분석

Sook-Ki Choi, Park Young-Min
2010 | Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation

A Comparative Analysis of 2018 Textbooks of Ethics and Thoughts with Regard to the Correct Explanation of Good and Evil in Yi Hwang's Theory of Four Beginnings and Seven Emotions
2018년 고등학교 "윤리와 사상" 내용 중 '이황의 사단칠정의 선악관' 서술의 정확성에 대한 교과서 비교 연구

Seong-Ho Moon
2018 | Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation

The Impacts of Grouping Methods according to Learning Styles on the Interactions and Discussion Satisfaction of Learners in Online Discussion Activities
온라인 토론 활동에서 학습양식에 따른 집단 구성 방법이 학습자 상호작용과 토론만족도에 미치는 영향

Jae-Han Shin
2009 | Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation

Basic Study for the Development of Curriculum - Focused on Art Education of Basic Major Subjects of Kongju National University and Korea National University -
교육과정 개발을 위한 기초 연구 - 공주대학교․한국교원대학교 미술교육과 전공기초과목 중심 -

Nam-Jung Park
2010 | Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation
Known Releases
Preservation Summary [more]
575 preserved and accessble (bright)
0 preserved, inaccessible (dark)
122 no known preservation
Release Types
article-journal 697
Publication Type  journal
Country Code  kr
ISSN-L?  1229-1544
    Print:  1229-1544
Wikidata  Q96713253
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