Journal of Wetlands Research container_pp2qup7zq5g5hg3js7swvwqhkq

Korean Wetlands Society

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Example Publications

The riparian vegetation community models according to hydrologic and soil environments - Case of Daecheongho lake reservoirs -
수문 및 토양환경을 고려한 수변식생군락 조성 모델 - 대청호 저수지를 사례로 -

Miok Park
2017 | Journal of Wetlands Research

Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature by Combining Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite
천리안 위성의 기상센서와 해양센서를 활용한 지표면 온도 상세화 기법

Jaehwan Jeong, Jongjin Baik, Minha Choi
2017 | Journal of Wetlands Research

Improvement of strength and prevention of twist strain in sewer pipe using glass fiber and twist prevention band
유리 섬유와 뒤틀림 방지 밴드를 이용한 하수관거의 강도 및 뒤틀림 개선 방안 연구

Seok In Hong, Jiyeol Im, Kyungik Gil
2017 | Journal of Wetlands Research

Evaluation of Rain Gauge Distribution Characteristics by Altitude using Optimization Technique
최적화 기법을 통한 강우관측소의 고도별 분포특성 검토

Ji Ho Lee, Jong Geun Kim, Hong Jun Joo, Hwan Don Jun
2017 | Journal of Wetlands Research
Known Releases
Preservation Summary [more]
231 preserved and accessble (bright)
0 preserved, inaccessible (dark)
19 no known preservation
Release Types
article-journal 250
Publication Type  journal
Country Code  kr
ISSN-L?  1229-6031
    Print:  1229-6031
Wikidata  Q96726636
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