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International Journal of Biosciences
International Journal of Biosciences
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Example Publications
Peat soil as an alternative soil substrate and its effect on balangeran (Shorea belangeran) seedling growth
2019 | International Journal of Biosciencesdoi:10.12692/ijb/14.4.188-196
Estimation of carbon stocks of galam (Melaleuca cajuputi) Swamp Forest at each growth stage
2019 | International Journal of Biosciencesdoi:10.12692/ijb/14.4.197-206
Distribution of certain heavy metals in the nelatur lake adjacent to Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah (APGENCO) thermal power plant of Spsr Nellore District, AP, India
2019 | International Journal of Biosciencesdoi:10.12692/ijb/14.4.69-75