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The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal
University of Northern Iowa
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Example Publications
Review: Memoires Historiques sur la vie de M. Suard, sur ses écrits, et sur le 18me Siècle [review-book]
1821 | The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journaljstor:25107078
Review: Construction Construed, and Constitutions Vindicated [review-book]
1821 | The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journaljstor:25107080
Review: Gaii Institutionum Commentarii IV. e codice rescripto bibliothecœ capitularis Veronensis, auspiciis Regiœ Scientiarum Academicœ Borussicœ nunc primum editi. Accedit Fragmentum veteris jurisconsulti de jure fisci, ex aliis ejusdem bibliothecœ membranis transcriptum [review-book]
1821 | The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journaljstor:25107087