Bylye Gody
Academic Publishing House Researcher
Showing first 25 out of 1,443 results
The Auerbach Dynasty of Engineers and the Development of Mining in Russia in the second half of the XIXth – early XXth centuries
2020 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2020.4.2631
Modernization of Ethnocultural Processes in the National Areas of the Far East (1920s – 1930s years)
Anna V. Akhmetova, Sergej V. Bobyshev
Bylye Gody
The Officials of the Department for the Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions as Researchers of the State-Church Relationships in Russia
2017 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2017.2.451
Milestones of Return of «Forgotten War»: Main Trends and Stages in the Development of Domestic Historiography of the First World
Evgeny F. Krinko, Tatiana P. Khlynina
Bylye Gody
Problems in Creating Written Language for the Small Native Peoples of the Far East in the Second Half of the 1920s – 1930s
Anna V. Akhmetova
Bylye Gody
Planning the Blockade of the Bosphorus by the Black Sea Fleet in 1916. Part 2
2021 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2021.2.1042
Historical Sources of the early ХХ century about the Siberian Students: an Analysis of Archival Data and Published Materials
2017 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2017.4.1517
Legal Regulations of Activities of Vladikavkaz High Court Division VTSIK during the Transition of Extreme-Decretive to Codified Law (1921–1923)
Tatyana G. Sudakova
Bylye Gody
Some Directions in State Activities of Ye. F. Kankrin
Olga G. Larina, Vladimir N. Shaidurov
Bylye Gody
Social Transformation of the Siberian Cossackdom within the Formation of the Urban Area of Northern Kazakhstan on the Cusp of the XIX−XX centuries
2021 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2021.2.850
Russia and Ukraine. History of Good Neighborliness: Hard 1990s…
Nikolay F. Bugay
Bylye Gody
Old Believers' Re-Emigration in 1750-ies in the South of Russia: the Struggle of Approaches in Legal Policy
2019 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2019.4.1470
The Features of the Acquisition of the Nobility by the Sloboda Ukrainian Cossack Foreman at the late of the XVIII century
2020 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2020.4.2365
Visit of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Western Siberia as a Part of the Ritual Legitimization of the Ruling Romanov Dynasty
Alexander А. Valitov, Igor S. Tomilov, Sergey А. Dianov, Darya Iu. Fedotova
Bylye Gody
From the History of the Dawn of Aviation: Monoplanes of the early XX century
2019 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2019.2.830
Baptism of the Alans and the Establishment of the Alanian Metropolis in the Context of Byzantine Policy in the North Caucasus in the first third of the 10th century
2021 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2021.2.437
The Evolution of Mechanisms of Interaction Between State and Society in the Sphere of Preservation of Historical-Cultural Heritage in the Russian Empire
2018 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2018.1.107
Abkhaz History of the XIX – early XX century in Bibliographic Indexes: Experience of Historiographic Reconstruction
2020 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2020.4.2661
'Oppressed and Brainwashed Soviet Subject' [1] or 'Prisoners of the Soviet Self' [2]? Recent Conceptions of Soviet Subjectivity
Katharina Uhl
Bylye Gody
Deviant Behavior of Different Social Groups in the Donbass Region. 1920s
Yulia V. Barabash
Bylye Gody
The Rise of the Public Health System in Russian Empire and Great Britain in XIX – the beginning of the XX century
2019 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2019.3.1106
Material Support for Civilian Officials in Eastern Siberia during the First World War
2021 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2021.2.1016
Ethnic and Cultural Space of the Eastern Sami (Skolts) of the Northern Frontier of Russia and Norway-Denmark in the XVIII century
2019 | Bylye Godydoi:10.13187/bg.2019.1.29
On the Sources of Establishment-selective Work of the Bolshevik Party
Vasily P. Pashin
Bylye Gody
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