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Icelandic Medical Journal
Laeknabladid/The Icelandic Medical Journal
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Example Publications
The incidence of sinus thrombosis in Iceland 2008-2020
Nýgengi stokkasega á Íslandi frá 2008 til 2020
Dagný Ásgeirsdóttir, University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, Ingvar H Ólafsson, Ólafur Árni Sveinsson, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, 3Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Icelandic Medical Journal
doi:10.17992/lbl.2022.02.677 pmid:35103621
Alice in Wonderland and anti-vaccine misinformation
Lísa í Undralandi og andstaða við bólusetningar
Haraldur Briem, retired Chief Epidemiologist and associate professor in infectious disease epidemiology
Icelandic Medical Journal
doi:10.17992/lbl.2022.02.673 pmid:35103617
Hypertension Management in Primary Care in the Capital Area of Iceland
Meðferð háþrýstings í heilsugæslu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu
Stefán Júlíus Aðalsteinsson, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland School of Health Sciences, Reykjavik, Iceland, Jón Steinar Jónsson, Hannes Hrafnkelsson, Guðmundur Þorgeirsson, Emil Lárus Sigurðsson, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland School of Health Sciences, Reykjavik, Iceland, Development Centre for Primary Healthcare in Iceland, Primary Health Care of the Capital Area, Reykjavik, Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland School of Health Sciences, Reykjavik, Iceland, The primary health care of the capital area, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland School of Health Sciences, Reykjavik, Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland School of Health Sciences, Reykjavik, Iceland, Development Centre for Primary Healthcare in Iceland, Primary Health Care of the Capital Area, Reykjavik, Iceland
Icelandic Medical Journal
doi:10.17992/lbl.2022.02.675 pmid:35103619
How can we get out of COVID-19?
Hvernig komumst við út úr COVID-19?
Þórólfur Guðnason, Chief Epidemiologist, Centre for Health Security and Communicable Disease Control, Directorate of Health
Icelandic Medical Journal
Utility of serum tryptase in Emergency Department patients with possible anaphylaxis
Gagnsemi serum-tryptasamælinga hjá sjúklingum með möguleg einkenni bráðaofnæmiskasts á bráðamóttöku 2011–2018
Karólína Hansen, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Hjalti Már Björnsson, María I Gunnbjörnsdóttir, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Emergency department, National University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland, Department of Allergology, National University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
Icelandic Medical Journal
Known Releases
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Preservation Summary [more]
615 | preserved and accessble (bright) | |
0 | preserved, inaccessible (dark) | |
1,446 | no known preservation |
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