International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
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Example Publications
Essential roles of exploiting internal parallelism of flash memory based solid state drives in high-speed data processing
Feng Chen, Rubao Lee, Xiaodong Zhang
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
doi:10.1109/hpca.2011.5749735 dblp:conf/hpca/ChenLZ11
Simple virtual channel allocation for high throughput and high frequency on-chip routers
Yi Xu, Bo Zhao, Youtao Zhang, Jun Yang
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
doi:10.1109/hpca.2010.5416640 dblp:conf/hpca/XuZZY10
Venice: Exploring server architectures for effective resource sharing
Jianbo Dong, Rui Hou, Michael Huang, Tao Jiang, Boyan Zhao, Sally A. McKee, Haibin Wang, Xiaosong Cui, Lixin Zhang
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
doi:10.1109/hpca.2016.7446090 dblp:conf/hpca/DongHH0ZMWCZ16
Dynamic GPGPU Power Management Using Adaptive Model Predictive Control
Abhinandan Majumdar, Leonardo Piga, Indrani Paul, Joseph L. Greathouse, Wei Huang, David H. Albonesi
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
doi:10.1109/hpca.2017.34 dblp:conf/hpca/MajumdarPPGHA17
NUAT: A non-uniform access time memory controller
Wongyu Shin, Jeongmin Yang, Jungwhan Choi, Lee-Sup Kim
International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
doi:10.1109/hpca.2014.6835956 dblp:conf/hpca/ShinYCK14