American Control Conference
Showing first 25 out of 8,377 results
Sliding mode boundary control of unstable parabolic PDE systems with parameter variations and matched disturbances
Meng-Bi Cheng, Verica Radisavljevic, Wu-Chung Su
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2009.5160481 dblp:conf/amcc/ChengRS09
Data enabled predictive energy management of a PV-battery smart home nanogrid
Chao Sun, Fengchun Sun, Scott J. Moura
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2015.7170867 dblp:conf/amcc/SunSM15
Time-varying system identification via maximum a posteriori estimation and its application to driver steering models
Tesheng Hsiao
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586572 dblp:conf/amcc/Hsiao08
Linear system identifiability from distributional and time series data
Anandh Swaminathan, Richard M. Murray
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2016.7524946 dblp:conf/amcc/SwaminathanM16
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor control via Parameter Dependent Relay control
Romain Delpoux, Laurentiu Hetel, Alexandre Kruszewski
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2014.6858935 dblp:conf/amcc/DelpouxHK14
On-line model based control of a safety constrained batch reactor subject to recipe uncertainties
Levente L. Simon, Zoltan K. Nagy, Konrad Hungerbuehler
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586730 dblp:conf/amcc/SimonNH08
Classification of dynamic atomic force microscopy control modes based on asymptotic nonlinear mechanics
Sergey Belikov, Sergei Magonov
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2009.5160048 dblp:conf/amcc/BelikovM09
Dataflow-based implementation of model predictive control
Ruirui Gu, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Williams S. Levine
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2009.5160255 dblp:conf/amcc/GuBL09
Model-less inversion-based iterative control for output tracking: Piezo actuator example
Kyong-Soo Kim, Qingze Zou
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586902 dblp:conf/amcc/KimZ08
Multiresolution path planning with wavelets: A local replanning approach
Raghvendra V. Cowlagi, Panagiotis Tsiotras
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586659 dblp:conf/amcc/CowlagiT08
Estimation of road inclination and bank angle in automotive vehicles
Havard Fjaer Grip, Lars Imsland, Tor A. Johansen, Jens C. Kalkkuhl, Avshalom Suissa
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2009.5159912 dblp:conf/amcc/GripIJKS09
Comparison of SISO and MIMO control techniques for a diagonally dominant vapor compression system
Neera Jain, Andrew G. Alleyne
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2009.5160155 dblp:conf/amcc/JainA09
Prediction error identification with rank-reduced output noise
Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Harm H.M. Weerts, Arne G. Dankers
American Control Conference
doi:10.23919/acc.2017.7962983 dblp:conf/amcc/HofWD17
A Novel Decomposition for Control of DC Circuits and Grid Models with Heterogeneous Energy Sources
Shuai Wang, John Baillieul
American Control Conference
doi:10.23919/acc.2018.8431547 dblp:conf/amcc/WangB18
Spherical simplex sigma-point Kalman filters: A comparison in the inertial navigation of a terrestrial vehicle
Juan G. Castrejon Lozano, Luis R. Garca Carrillo, Alejandro Dzul, Rogelio Lozano
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4587041 dblp:conf/amcc/LozanoCDL08
Optimization of switched-mode systems with switching costs
X.C. Ding, Y. Wardi, D. Taylor, M. Egerstedt
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4587112 dblp:conf/amcc/DingWTE08
Control of inverter-connected sources in autonomous microgrids
Ian A. Hiskens, Eric M. Fleming
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586555 dblp:conf/amcc/HiskensF08
Decentralized Sliding Mode LFC for Nonlinear Interconnected Power System with Time Delay*
Adrian E. Onyeka, Xing-Gang Yan, Zehui Mao, Qingling Zhang
American Control Conference
doi:10.23919/acc.2018.8430844 dblp:conf/amcc/OnyekaYM018
Small-gain conditions and Lyapunov functions applicable equally to iISS and ISS Systems without uniformity assumption
Hiroshi Ito, Zhong-Ping Jiang
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4586834 dblp:conf/amcc/0001J08
Selection and tuning of a reduced parameter set for a turbocharged diesel engine model
Rasoul Salehi, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Dejan Kihas, Michael Uchanski
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2016.7526160 dblp:conf/amcc/SalehiSKU16
Detecting link failures in complex network processes using remote monitoring
Jackeline Abad Torres, Rahul Dhal, Sandip Roy
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2015.7170733 dblp:conf/amcc/TorresDR15
Lyapunov-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control: Shaping the state probability distribution functions
Edward A. Buehler, Joel A. Paulson, Ali Mesbah
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2016.7526514 dblp:conf/amcc/BuehlerP016
Nonquadratic Lyapunov function based control law design for discrete fuzzy systems with state and input delays
Yuming Sun, Yanxia Shen, Zhicheng Ji
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4587268 dblp:conf/amcc/SunSJ08
Macroscopic freeway model calibration with partially observed data, a case study
Gunes Dervisoglu, Alexander Kurzhanskiy, Gabriel Gomes, Roberto Horowitz
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2014.6859026 dblp:conf/amcc/DervisogluKGH14
An SOS-based stable control of polynomial discrete fuzzy systems
Kazuo Tanaka, Hiroshi Ohtake, Hua O. Wang
American Control Conference
doi:10.1109/acc.2008.4587266 dblp:conf/amcc/TanakaOW08
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