Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
Showing first 25 out of 361 results
Parameterized cancellation of partial-band partial-block-duration interference for underwater acoustic OFDM
Zhaohui Wang, Shengli Zhou, Josko Catipovic, Peter Willett
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2076569.2076572 dblp:conf/wuwnet/WangZCW11
Stochastic channel access for underwater acoustic networks with spatial and temporal interference uncertainty
Zhangyu Guan, Tommaso Melodia, Dongfeng Yuan
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398960 dblp:conf/wuwnet/GuanMY12
Robust TDA-MAC for practical underwater sensor network deployment
Nils Morozs, Charalampos C. Tsimenidis, Mohammed E. Sayed, Alistair C. McConnell, Simona Aracri, Adam A. Stokes, Paul D. Mitchell, Yuriy Zakharov, Rahul Mourya, Yvan R. Petillot, Tyler Gibney, Mauro Dragone
(+2 others)
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/3291940.3291970 dblp:conf/wuwnet/MorozsMZMPGDSNT18
A biomimetic quasi-static electric field physical channel for underwater ocean networks
Jonathan Friedman, Dustin Torres, Thomas Schmid, Juyao Dong, Mani B. Srivastava
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/1868812.1868819 dblp:conf/wuwnet/FriedmanTSDS10
Choosing the right signal
Roee Diamant, Arie Feuer, Lutz Lampe
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398971 dblp:conf/wuwnet/DiamantFL12
Analysis of Algorithms for Multi-Modal Communications in Underwater Sensor Networks
Elizabeth Basha, Nicholas Yuen, Michael O'Rourke, Carrick Detweiler
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2671490.2674474 dblp:conf/wuwnet/BashaYOD14
Joint channel estimation and data recovery for high-rate underwater acoustic communications with multi-carrier modulation
Andrey K. Morozov, Lee E. Freitag, James C. Preisig
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/1868812.1868821 dblp:conf/wuwnet/MorozovFP10
Optical imaging study of underwater acousto-optical fusion imaging systems
Jun Liu, Wenxue Guan, Xiaoyu Wang, Jiaxin Liu
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/3291940.3291982 dblp:conf/wuwnet/LiuGWL18
Potential effects of acoustic signals on marine mammals
Mardi C. Hastings
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398948 dblp:conf/wuwnet/Hastings12
A moving underwater communication system with bio-inspired fish robots
Jun-Ho Jeon, Young-Sun Ryuh, Nam-Yeol Yun, Heungwoo Nam, Chang-Gi Hong, Sung-Joon Park, Soo-Hyun Park, Sunshin An, Chang-Hwa Kim, Gi-Hun Yang
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398956 dblp:conf/wuwnet/JeonYNHPPAKYR12
Uncertainty-based localization solution for under-ice autonomous underwater vehicles
Baozhi Chen, Dario Pompili
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2076569.2076583 dblp:conf/wuwnet/ChenP11
Data detection techniques for OFDM signals over Doppler-distorted channels
Srinivas Yerramalli, Milica Stojanovic, Urbashi Mitra
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/1868812.1868823 dblp:conf/wuwnet/YerramalliSM10
Realtime in-ocean submerged collision avoidance via biomimetic electrostatic imaging
Jonathan Friedman, Henry Herman, Newton Truong, Young H. Cho, Mani B. Srivastava
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398938 dblp:conf/wuwnet/FriedmanHTCS12
Near drowning pattern detection using neural network and pressure information measured at swimmer's head level
Mohamed Kharrat, Yuki Wakuda, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398994 dblp:conf/wuwnet/KharratWKS12
Network-assisted underwater acoustic communications
T. C. Yang, Kevin D. Heaney
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398982 dblp:conf/wuwnet/YangH12
A JSW-based cooperative transmission scheme for underwater acoustic networks
Mingsheng Gao, Hui Jiang
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398965 dblp:conf/wuwnet/GaoJ12
A hybrid MAC protocol with channel-dependent optimized scheduling for clustered underwater acoustic sensor networks
Jithin Jagannath, Anu Saji, Hovannes Kulhandjian, Yifan Sun, Emrecan Demirors, Tommaso Melodia
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2532378.2532382 dblp:conf/wuwnet/JagannathSKSDM13
An Adaptive TDMA-based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
Wael Gorma, Paul D. Mitchell
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/3366486.3366549 dblp:conf/wuwnet/GormaM19
SUNSET version 2.0
Chiara Petrioli, Roberto Petroccia, Daniele Spaccini
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2532378.2532424 dblp:conf/wuwnet/PetrioliPS13
On the predictability of underwater acoustic communications performance
Beatrice Tomasi, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2076569.2076570 dblp:conf/wuwnet/TomasiPZ11
Emrecan Demirors, Bharatwaj G. Shankar, G. Enrico Santagati, Tommaso Melodia
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2831296.2831316 dblp:conf/wuwnet/DemirorsSSM15
Performance Comparison and Optimization of Channel Coding for Acoustic Communication in Shallow Waters
Ufuk Uensal, Steffen Moser, Frank Slomka
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2671490.2674566 dblp:conf/wuwnet/UensalMS14
R&D of a dual mode acoustic modem testbed for shallow water channels
Feng Tong, Shengyong Zhou, Bridget Benson, Ryan Kastner
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/1868812.1868827 dblp:conf/wuwnet/TongZBK10
Multi-modal communications in underwater sensor networks using depth adjustment
Michael O'Rourke, Elizabeth Basha, Carrick Detweiler
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398976 dblp:conf/wuwnet/ORourkeBD12
Improving PSK performance in snapping shrimp noise with rotated constellations
Ahmed Mahmood, Mandar Chitre, Marc A. Armand
Workshop/Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
doi:10.1145/2398936.2398952 dblp:conf/wuwnet/MahmoodCA12
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