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Showing first 25 out of 12,912 results

Role of sawtooth in avoiding impurity accumulation and maintaining good confinement in JET radiative mantle discharges

M.F.F Nave, J Rapp, T Bolzonella, R Dux, M.J Mantsinen, R Budny, P Dumortier, M. von Hellermann, S Jachmich, H.R Koslowski, G Maddison, A Messiaen (+9 others)
2003 | Nuclear Fusion

Steady improved confinement in FTU high field plasmas sustained by deep pellet injection

D Frigione, E Giovannozzi, C Gormezano, F Poli, M Romanelli, O Tudisco, F Crisanti, B Esposito, L Gabellieri, L Garzotti, M Leigheb, D Pacella (+57 others)
2001 | Nuclear Fusion

Less constrained omnigeneous stellarators

Felix I. Parra, Iván Calvo, Per Helander, Matt Landreman
2015 | Nuclear Fusion

Overview of magnetic structure induced by the TEXTOR-DED and the related transport

S.S Abdullaev, K.H Finken, M.W Jakubowski, S.V Kasilov, M Kobayashi, D Reiser, D Reiter, A.M Runov, R Wolf
2003 | Nuclear Fusion

Dynamical modelling of tearing mode stabilization by RF current drive

G Giruzzi, M Zabiégo, T.A Gianakon, X Garbet, A Cardinali, S Bernabei
1999 | Nuclear Fusion

Angular momentum studies with NBI modulation in JET

G. Tardini, J. Ferreira, P. Mantica, A.G. Peeters, T. Tala, K.D. Zastrow, M. Brix, C. Giroud, G.V. Pereverzev
2009 | Nuclear Fusion

Error field correction in ITER

Jong-Kyu Park, Allen H. Boozer, Jonathan E. Menard, Michael J. Schaffer
2008 | Nuclear Fusion

Sawtooth control and the interaction of energetic particles

I.T. Chapman, V.G. Igochine, J.P. Graves, S.D. Pinches, A. Gude, I. Jenkins, M. Maraschek, G. Tardini
2009 | Nuclear Fusion

Spontaneous shift of divertor plasma footprints during a discharge in a helical-axis heliotron device

T Mizuuchi, H Nagata, H Okada, G Motojima, S Kobayashi, K Nagasaki, Z Feng, N Nishino, Y Suzuki, M Yokoyama, Y Nakamura, S Yamamoto (+9 others)
2007 | Nuclear Fusion

FTU results with a liquid lithium limiter

G. Mazzitelli, M.L. Apicella, D. Frigione, G. Maddaluno, M. Marinucci, C. Mazzotta, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, M. Romanelli, G. Szepesi, O. Tudisco
2011 | Nuclear Fusion

Development, physics basis and performance projections for hybrid scenario operation in ITER on DIII-D

M.R Wade, T.C Luce, R.J Jayakumar, P.A Politzer, A.W Hyatt, J.R Ferron, C.M Greenfield, M Murakami, C.C Petty, R Prater, J.C DeBoo, R.J. La Haye (+2 others)
2005 | Nuclear Fusion

Investigation of fast ion transport in TORPEX

A. Bovet, I. Furno, A. Fasoli, K. Gustafson, P. Ricci
2012 | Nuclear Fusion

Assessment of plasma parameters for the low activation phase of ITER operation

A.R. Polevoi, D.J. Campbell, V.A. Chuyanov, W. Houlberg, A.A. Ivanov, A.S. Kukushkin, P. Lamalle, A. Loarte, V.S. Mukhovatov, T. Oikawa
2013 | Nuclear Fusion

Radial impurity transport in the H mode transport barrier region in Alcator C-Mod

T. Sunn Pedersen, R.S Granetz, A.E Hubbard, I.H Hutchinson, E.S Marmar, J.E Rice, J Terry
2000 | Nuclear Fusion

Design and simulations of indirect drive ignition targets for NIF

S.W Haan, P.A Amendt, T.R Dittrich, B.A Hammel, S.P Hatchett, M.C Herrmann, O.A Hurricane, O.S Jones, J.D Lindl, M.M Marinak, D Munro, S.M Pollaine (+3 others)
2004 | Nuclear Fusion

A study on the TAE-induced fast-ion loss process in LHD

K. Ogawa, M. Isobe, K. Toi, A. Shimizu, D.A. Spong, M. Osakabe, S. Yamamoto
2013 | Nuclear Fusion

Heat flux pattern in detached L-modes and ELM mitigated H-modes with rotating magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade

D. Brida, T. Lunt, M. Wischmeier, M. Bernert, D. Carralero, M. Faitsch, Y. Feng, T. Sehmer, B. Sieglin, W. Suttrop, E. Wolfrum
2017 | Nuclear Fusion

Z pinch driven inertial confinement fusion target physics research at Sandia National Laboratories

R.J Leeper, T.E Alberts, J.R Asay, P.M Baca, K.L Baker, S.P Breeze, G.A Chandler, D.L Cook, G.W Cooper, C Deeney, M.S Derzon, M.R Douglas (+41 others)
1999 | Nuclear Fusion

Design and technology development of solid breeder blanket cooled by supercritical water in Japan

M Enoeda, Y Kosaku, T Hatano, T Kuroda, N Miki, T Honma, M Akiba, S Konishi, H Nakamura, Y Kawamura, S Sato, K Furuya (+2 others)
2003 | Nuclear Fusion
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