Pneumologie container_fb6p3izjqndx7ezjuot5hulbbu

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44th Congress of the German Pneumology Society, 26-9 March 2003 in Munich. News in Pneumology--section events of the GPS [unknown]
44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie, 26.-29. März 2003 in München, Neues aus der Pneumologie--Sektionsberichte der DGP

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Heinrich Worth, Claus Vogelmeier, Holger Hein, Hilmar Wuthe, Michael Thomas, Konrad Schultz, Susanne Lang, Olaf Thetter, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie
2003 | Pneumologie

Oncology--a common language, new perspectives. Lilly Oncology Global Medical Conference, Indianapolis, 1996 [unknown]
Onkologie--eine gemeinsame Sprache, neue Perspektiven

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1996 | Pneumologie

Understanding and therapy of childhood asthma. Rome, 11-13 May [unknown]
Krankheitsverständnis und Therapie des kindlichen Asthmas. 11.-13. Mai, Rom

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1998 | Pneumologie

Physiopathology of Respiration. 79th meeting of the working group of the German Pneumology Association. 1992. Abstracts [unknown]
79.Tagung/1992 der Arbeitsgruppe Pathophysiologie der Atmung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Pneumologie

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1993 | Pneumologie

XXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology [unknown]
Allergien sind vermeidbar--im ersten Lebenjahr

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Ralf Schlenger
2003 | Pneumologie

34th congress of the German Society for Pneumology and Tuberculosis. Bochum, 19-22 September 1990. Abstracts [unknown]
34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Tuberkulos. Bochum, 19.-22. September 1990. Kurzfassungen der Poster

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1990 | Pneumologie

Abstracts of the 2nd Pulmonary Hypertension Workshop. February 2011. Leverkusen, Germany [unknown]
2. Forschungswerkstatt Pulmonale Hypertonie

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2011 | Pneumologie

40th Congress of the German Society for Pneumology and 25th Congress of the Austrian Society for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis. Bad Reichenhall/Salzburg, 17-20 March 1999. Abstracts [unknown]
40 Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie, 25 Kongress Osterreichischen Gesellschaft für Lungener krankunger und Tuberkulose. Bad Reichenhall/Salzburg, 17-20 März 1999

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1999 | Pneumologie

Interstitial Lung Diseases. 22nd Scientific Meeting of the North German Association of Pulmonary and Bronchial Medicine. Berlin, 3-5 October 1991. Abstracts [unknown]
Interstitielle Lungenkrankheiten. 22. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Norddeutschen Gesellschaft für Lungen- und Bronchialheilkunde e.v. Berlin, 3.-5. Oktober 1991

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R Loddenkemper
1992 | Pneumologie

Tuberculosis takes a large toll in human lives [unknown]
Tuberkulose fordert hohen Zoll an Menschenleben

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1996 | Pneumologie

35th congress of the German Society for Pneumology and Tuberculosis. Wiesbaden, 23-26 September 1992. Abstracts [unknown]
35. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie and Tuberkulose. Wiesbaden, 23.-26. September 1992

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1992 | Pneumologie

Abstracts of the 3rd Workshop for Research on Pulmonary Hypertension. June 2013. Leverkusen, Germany [unknown]
3. Forschungswerkstatt Pulmonale Hypertonie

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2013 | Pneumologie

Conference abstracts of the section for nocturnal disturbances of respiratory and circulatory regulation. 34th session of the Society for Research on Pulmonary and Respiratory Function. Bochum, 2-5 December 1998 [unknown]
Kurzreferate für die Sitzung der Sektion Nächtliche Atmungs- und Kreislaufstörungen im Rahmen der 34. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Lungen- und Atmungsforschung in Bochum vom 2.-5. 12. 1998

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1998 | Pneumologie

The value of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the therapy of bronchial asthma one year following the introduction of Montelukast. Symposium at Munich, 6 March 1999 [unknown]
Welchen Stellenwert haben Leukotrien-Rezeptorantagonisten in der Therapie des Asthma bronchiale ein Jahr nach der Einführung von Montelukast. Symposium am 6. März 1999 in München

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1999 | Pneumologie

In focus: Standard combination in asthma therapy. RPR-Press Conversation at the 40th Congress of the German Society for Pneumonology, Bad Reichenhall, 19 March 1999 [unknown]
Im Fokus: Fixe Kombination in der Asthmatherapie. RPR-Pressegespräch zum 40. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie (DGP), Bad Reichenhall. 19. März 1999

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1999 | Pneumologie

5th International Symposium, Bad Lippspringe. "Management of Asthma and Allergy". Bad Lippspringe, 16 May 1998 [unknown]
V. Internationales Symposium Bad Lippspringe. "Management of Asthma and Allergy". Bad Lippspringe, 16. Mai 1998

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1998 | Pneumologie

Anti-leukotrienes--a new perspective in treatment of bronchial asthma. 1. Scientific Pneumology Symposium, Cannes, 14-16 February 1997 [unknown]
Antileukotriene--eine neue Perspektive bei der Behandlung von Asthma bronchiale. 1. Wissenschaftliches Pneumologie-Symposium, Cannes, 14-16. Februar 1997

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G Steinkamp
1997 | Pneumologie

Nocturnal respiratory and circulatory disturbances. Meeting of the work group of the German Society for Pneumology. Berlin, 11-12 May 1990 [unknown]
Nachtliche Atmungs- und Kreislaufregulationsstorungen. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Pneumologie. Berlin 11.- 12. Mai 1990

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1991 | Pneumologie

Abstracts of the 48th Congress of the German Society of Pneumology and Artificial Respiration Medicine, 14-17 March 2007, Mannheim [unknown]
48 Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin, 14-17 Marz 2007, Mannheim

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2007 | Pneumologie

Tuberculosis: molecular genetic BCG vaccine preparation [unknown]
Tuberkulose: Die BCG-Vakzine wird molekulargenetisch aufgerüstat

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1997 | Pneumologie

Nocturnal Respiratory and Circulatory Disorders. Proceedings of a work group of the German Association for Pneumology. Hagen, 26-27 April 1991 [unknown]
Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe "Nächtiche Atmungs- und Kreislaufregulationsstörungen" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie. 26.-27. April 1991. Hagen

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1993 | Pneumologie

"Bronchial asthma--therapeutic advances due to leukotriene antagonists." Symposium: "Leukotriene antagonists: a therapeutic advance in the control of asthma." 30-31 October 1998, Copenhagen [unknown]
"Asthma bronchiale--Therapiefortschritt durch Leukotrienantagonisten." Symposium "Leukotriene Antagonists: A Therapeutic Advance in the Control of Asthma." 30.-31. Oktober 1998, Kopenhagen

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1998 | Pneumologie

12th Scientific Congress of the South-German Society for Pneumology. Heidelburg, 15-18 June 1995. Abstracts [unknown]
12. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Süddeutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie. Heidelberg, 15-18 Juni 1995

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1995 | Pneumologie

Meeting of the Work Group on Inhalative Provocation Tests. Neu-Isenburg /Frankfurt, 2-4 November 1990 [unknown]
Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Inhalative Provokationstests. Neu-Isenburg/Frankfurt, 2.-4. November 1990

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1991 | Pneumologie
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