Journal of public health container_f7lowgksd5boparyvgpd72uvau

Oxford University Press

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Example Publications

Incidence and severity of community acquired pneumonias in children before and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Maria Koliou, Athina Aristidou, Stella Mazeri, Georgios Nikolopoulos, Maria Argyrou, Christos Haralambous, Avraam Elia, Panayiotis Yiallouros
2024 | Journal of public health

An evaluation of the Birchwood Junk Food Café, Skelmersdale

Greg Williams, Christine Robinson, Steph Mitchell, Omer Ali, Stella Connell, David Scott, Grace Vella, Arpana Verma
2023 | Journal of public health
doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdad210   pmcid:PMC10734677  

The patient experience of skill mix changes in primary care: an in-depth study of patient 'work' when accessing primary care

Elizabeth Dalgarno, Imelda McDermott, Mhorag Goff, Sharon Spooner, Anne McBride, Damian Hodgson, Ailsa Donnelly, Judith Hogg, Kath Checkland
2023 | Journal of public health
doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdad203   pmcid:PMC10734673  
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1,997 preserved and accessble (bright)
2,301 preserved, inaccessible (dark)
1,261 no known preservation
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article-journal 5,559
Publication Type  journal
Country Code  gb
ISSN-L?  1741-3842
    Print:  1741-3842
    Electronic:  1741-3850
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