Migraciones Internacionales container_f3id6ysjf5fd7gnuuzgay5xaee

El Colegio de la Frontera Norte A.C

Entity Edit History

This table only shows accepted edits included in the catalog, not any work-in-progress.
Changelog Editgroup Description
2021-12-01 01:33
editgroup_uahq55v2e5guve3ssthzocr3ky [view]
Automated import of container-level metadata from Chocula tool.
2020-08-05 18:43
editgroup_lyytyxwfzbd27m6e2c3xsz5xlu [view]
Automated import of container-level metadata from Chocula tool.
2019-09-04 00:34
editgroup_gcjum35phfh6dffefvl356g4wa [view]
Automated import of container-level metadata from Chocula tool.
2019-01-31 00:15
editgroup_pvotkvmtsvf4hil6ovhvpbbtwu [view]
Automated import of container-level metadata, by ISSN. Metadata from Internet Archive munging.