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Design Classification and Development of Pattern Searching Algorithm Based on Pattern Design Elements - With focus on Automatic Pattern Design System for Baseball Uniforms Manufactured under Custom-MTM System -
패턴설계요소기반의 디자인 분류 및 패턴탐색 알고리즘개발 - 맞춤양산형 야구복 자동패턴 설계시스템을 위한 -

In-Ae Kang, Kueng-Mi Choi, Jung-Ill Jun
2011 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Mediation of Consumer Satisfaction in the Relationship between Outdoor Wear Purchase Decision-Making Process and Repurchase Intention
구매의사결정 단계와 재구매 의도 관계에서 고객 만족의 매개효과 분석 : 아웃도어 웨어를 대상으로

Hwa-Sook Yoo
2017 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Characteristics of A-POC in Issey Miyake Collection
이세이 미야케 컬렉션에 나타난 A-POC의 특성에 관한연구

Sung Kum Joo, Jae Chul Jeong
2017 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A Development of Baseball Uniforms for Social Baseball Players
사회인 야구 참여자의 야구복 개발에 관한 연구

Ye Jin Kim, Eun Kyong Kim, Eun-Joo Ryu
2015 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

The Study of the Relationship between Clothes and Brooch in Fashion Collection
패션컬렉션에 나타난 의복과 브로치와의 관계 연구

Jung-Who Bae, Kyoung-Hee Lee
2012 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A Study on the School Uniform Pants Sizing System depending on Lower Body Type for Highschool Girls
여고생 하반신 체형특성에 따른 교복바지 치수설정에 관한 연구

Eun-Hee Choi, Wol-Hee Do
2012 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Domestic Research Trends in IT Fashion
IT 패션에 대한 국내 연구 동향

Ho-Jung Choo, Yun-Ja Nam, Yu-Ri Lee, Ha-Kyung Lee, Sung-Ji Lee, Sae-Eun Lee, Jae-Im Jang, Jin-Hee Park, Jin-Woo Choi, Do-Yuon Kim
2012 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Work Involvement Study of Each Job on Technical Design in Garment Development Process in South Korea
국내 의류상품개발과정에서 직종별 업무관여도 비교 - 테크니컬 디자인 업무 중심으로 -

Bo Ah Kim, Yun Ja Nam, Jaeil Lee, Mi Kyung Yoon
2016 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Status quo Analysis on the Wearing Conditions of Working Clothes according to the Working Environment and Working Process -With reference to the Shipbuilding Industry Workers-
작업환경 및 공정에 따른 작업복 착의실태 분석 -조선업 근로자를 중심으로-

Hyun-Sook Bae, Hye-Won Park, Gin-Ah Park, Jie-Kwan Kim
2010 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Technical Design of Tight Upper Sportswear based on 3D Scanning Technology and Stretch Property of Knitted Fabric
3차원 스캔 기술과 니트 소재의 신축성을 적용한 밀착형 스포츠웨어 상의 설계

Tae-Gyou Kim, Soon-Jee Park, Jung-Whan Park, Chu-Yeon Suh, Sin-Ae Choi
2012 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A Study on Curricula for Training of Specialist in Textile Design
텍스타일 디자인 전문 인력양성을 위한 교과과정 연구

Hyun Jin Lee, Tae Gue Choo, Yang Suk Ku
2013 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A Study on the Trend Analysis of Jean's Fashion according to Characteristics of Design
디자인 특성을 통한 진패션의 경향 분석 연구

Pu Chen, Ae-Kyung Kim, Kyoung-Hee Lee
2013 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Development and Evaluation of Smart Jacket for Women aged Fifties and Sixties
50, 60대 여성을 위한 스마트 재킷의 개발 및 평가

Jeong-Ran Lee, Kyung-Ja Paek, Gu-Young Kim
2011 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Garments Waterproofness Test Using Rain Tower System
인공강우시스템을 활용한 의복의 방수성능 평가

Hee Chul Cha, Jun Ho Park, Jee Young Lim, Huen Sup Shim
2015 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A Study of the Mimesis in Media Costume Design
미디어의상 디자인에 표현된 미메시스 연구

Su-Mi Yang, Mi-Jeong Kwon
2011 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

A study on Recognition and Preference of Healthy and Functional Textile according to Psychological Comfort of the Silver Generation
실버세대의 심리적 안정감에 따른 건강 기능성 섬유 인지 및 선호에 관한 연구

Min Nyoung Seo, Young Seok Koo
2014 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal

Effects of Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction of Middle-Aged Women on their Clothing Satisfaction and Clothing Selection Criteria
중년 여성 소비자의 자아존중감과 신체만족도가 의복 만족도와 의복선택기준에 미치는 영향

Sung Jee Chung
2013 | Fashion & Textile Research Journal
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