Dependable Systems and Networks
Showing first 25 out of 1,918 results
A practical failure prediction with location and lead time for Blue Gene/P
Ziming Zheng, Zhiling Lan, Rinku Gupta, Susan Coghlan, Pete Beckman
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsnw.2010.5542627 dblp:conf/dsn/ZhengLGCB10
Comprehensive Java Metadata Tracking for Attack Detection and Repair
Jeff Perkins, Jordan Eikenberry, Allessandro Coglio, Martin Rinard
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn48063.2020.00024 dblp:conf/dsn/PerkinsECR20
Exploiting refactoring in formal verification
Xiang Yin, John Knight, Westley Weimer
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2009.5270355 dblp:conf/dsn/YinKW09
VARIUS-NTV: A microarchitectural model to capture the increased sensitivity of manycores to process variations at near-threshold voltages
Ulya R. Karpuzcu, Krishna B. Kolluru, Nam Sung Kim, Josep Torrellas
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2012.6263951 dblp:conf/dsn/KarpuzcuKKT12
Using likely program invariants to detect hardware errors
Swarup Kumar Sahoo, Man-Lap Li, Pradeep Ramachandran, Sarita V. Adve, Vikram S. Adve, Yuanyuan Zhou
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2008.4630072 dblp:conf/dsn/SahooLRAAZ08
Analysis of a Markov decision process model for intrusion tolerance
O. Patrick Kreidl
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsnw.2010.5542603 dblp:conf/dsn/Kreidl10
Continuous authentication for mouse dynamics: A pattern-growth approach
Chao Shen, Zhongmin Cai, Xiaohong Guan
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2012.6263955 dblp:conf/dsn/ShenCG12
Fast memory state synchronization for virtualization-based fault tolerance
Maohua Lu, Tzi-cker Chiueh
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2009.5270295 dblp:conf/dsn/LuC09
User-Constraint and Self-Adaptive Fault Tolerance for Event Stream Processing Systems
Andre Martin, Tiaraju Smaneoto, Tobias Dietze, Andrey Brito, Christof Fetzer
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2015.56 dblp:conf/dsn/MartinSDBF15
Automated vulnerability discovery in distributed systems
Radu Banabic, George Candea, Rachid Guerraoui
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsnw.2011.5958811 dblp:conf/dsn/BanabicCG11
Convicting exploitable software vulnerabilities: An efficient input provenance based approach
Zhiqiang Lin, Xiangyu Zhang, Dongyan Xu
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2008.4630093 dblp:conf/dsn/LinZX08
Anomaly-based intrusion detection in software as a service
Gustavo Nascimento, Miguel Correia
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsnw.2011.5958858 dblp:conf/dsn/NascimentoC11
Hide & Share: Landmark-Based Similarity for Private KNN Computation
Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Antoine Rault, Francois Taiani, Jingjing Wang
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2015.60 dblp:conf/dsn/FreyGKRTW15
Energy Resilience Modelling for Smart Houses
Hamed Ghasemieh, Boudewijn R. Haverkort, Marijn R. Jongerden, Anne Remke
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2015.31 dblp:conf/dsn/GhasemiehHJR15
Assessing the impact of dynamic power management on the functionality and the performance of battery-powered appliances
A. Acquaviva, A. Aldini, M. Bernardo, A. Bogliolo, E. Bonta, E. Lattanzi
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2004.1311944 dblp:conf/dsn/AcquavivaABBBL04
IOCheck: A framework to enhance the security of I/O devices at runtime
Fengwei Zhang
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsnw.2013.6615523 dblp:conf/dsn/Zhang13
Survivability quantification of communication services
Poul E. Heegaard, Kishor S. Trivedi
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2008.4630117 dblp:conf/dsn/HeegaardT08
Tolerating hard faults in microprocessor array structures
F.A. Bower, P.G. Shealy, S. Ozev, D.J. Sorin
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2004.1311876 dblp:conf/dsn/BowerSOS04
A Markov Decision Process Approach for Optimal Data Backup Scheduling
Ruofan Xia, Fumio Machida, Kishor Trivedi
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2014.100 dblp:conf/dsn/XiaMT14
A Fast Rejuvenation Technique for Server Consolidation with Virtual Machines
Kenichi Kourai, Shigeru Chiba
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2007.6 dblp:conf/dsn/KouraiC07
Understanding soft error propagation using Efficient vulnerability-driven fault injection
Xin Xu, Man-Lap Li
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2012.6263923 dblp:conf/dsn/XuL12
Uniform node sampling service robust against collusions of malicious nodes
Emmanuelle Anceaume, Yann Busnel, Bruno Sericola
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2013.6575363 dblp:conf/dsn/AnceaumeBS13
Joza: Hybrid Taint Inference for Defeating Web Application SQL Injection Attacks
Abbas Naderi-Afooshteh, Anh Nguyen-Tuong, Mandana Bagheri-Marzijarani, Jason D. Hiser, Jack W. Davidson
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn.2015.13 dblp:conf/dsn/Naderi-Afooshteh15
Welcome Message from the General Chair and Conference Coordinator
2005 | Dependable Systems and Networksdoi:10.1109/dsn.2005.98 dblp:conf/dsn/X05
SSIV 2015 Keynote I: On the Security of Critical Cyber-Physical Systems
Roberto Gallo
Dependable Systems and Networks
doi:10.1109/dsn-w.2015.44 dblp:conf/dsn/Gallo15
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